Monday, August 31, 2009


Garrett got stitches in his chin from riding his bike a little too fast (imagine that). The stitches were blue and stuck out here and there. A few days after he had the stitches put in we were just sitting there and he pops in with this comment, "I look like a man who had a beard and got electrocuted."

Today on the way home from school Garrett told me that, "They only give homework to make us angry and annoy us." Great, 2nd grade and this is the's going to be a long 10 years to high school graduation!

Summarizing our summer!

Okay, so my last post was in May....that's what summer will do to a gal. We had a busy summer (don't we always). Summing it up with 1/100th of our photos sounded like a good idea. Here is goes....

We rode our bikes enough to get stitches.

We visited the Colorado State Capitol building and the Denver Mint.

Went to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.Watched in awe as the cars crashed at the demolition derby (and watched in awe at some of the overly tatted/pierced/mulleted/lack of teeth people).
Roasted marshmallows while camping.
Jumped off cliffs.
Swung on a rope swing.

We hung out with cousins and grandmas!
We went for walks at the cabin.
We went fishing!
Some of us, that wear a lot of pink, slept in cars.
Rode horses!

Watched parades!
Played at the sand dunes.
Caught fish!
Went on rides at Elitch Gardens.
Saw some gators in CO!
Visited the Denver Aquarium.
Played in the fountain in downtown Colorado Springs.

Went geocaching.


It seems I can only keep up with Facebook or my blog and facebook is winning! I am going to try to post stuff on here more regularly....we'll see.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kierstin's 4 year old goals

Kierstin is very excited that she is 4. The other night at dinner she was talking about all the wonderful things she's going to do now that she is 4. She said, "I'm going to sleep in my bed all night (ya, right), ride a roller coaster, and get my ears pierced." Garrett, without missing a beat, says, "She's only 4, why does she have to be so womanly." Gavin chimed in with, "Doesn't she realize that's painful?"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gavin is 10!

Gavin turned 10 on Friday. His birthday was filled with a day of snow!!! It snowed all day long. We ended up with probably 6-8 inches inches after it all was done. We had a small family celebration, then he went to sleep over at a friends house for his friend's birthday. We're celebrating with a couple of friends next weekend. Gavin got some great gifts that he's really enjoyed. We gave him rollerblades, he enjoys them but seeing how Garrett has put about 3 times as much time in on them, I think we'll be buying another pair. Yaya and Grandpa gave him bendaroos and a backseat travel quiz book...he's quizzed us many times already. Aunt Windy and Uncle Dave gave him two great books that he hasn't set down. Happy Birthday, Gav!!!


Garrett had me laughing again the other's our conversation with a little background info. As many of you know, Garrett is a very free spirit....all the way down to the fact he does not wear underwear. We were driving in the car and Garrett and his friend were making up 7 year old jokes.

Friend: Wow, I peed my pants. Hehee, I peed my socks. Hehee.
Garrett: I peed my underwear.
Then he pauses for a moment (he has the best comedic timing).

That would actually be funny....... if I wore underwear.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Princesses

Kierstin's favorite part of the cruise by far was seeing all the characters, especially the princesses. She had multiple visits with them and at one point she saw Snow White walk by and called out Hi, Snow White and amazingly Snow White turned around and said, in that scary, super sweet voice, Why Hello Kierstin. Pretty freaky! It was fun to see her so excited though. The boys have never liked characters, but Kierstin adores them.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

More Devon




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Devon's Spring Break

Cheyenne Mountain Zo0



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